Your Complete Guide on How to Use Food to 
Speed Up Your Recovery 

Did you know that 85% of adrenal fatigue sufferers feel better after ONE WEEK of clean eating?

***Unmute Video In Lower Left Corner***

We want to make EATING feel easy.
(you have enough stress in your life already)


  • You're just TOO TIRED to cook
  • You're overwhelmed by all the CONFLICTING advice
  • ​You spend too much time WORRYING about what to eat that food becomes another point of anxiety
  • ​You feel motivated to eat better but PIZZA is just SO easy
  • ​You're stuck in a cycle of feeling inspired one day  and then like a failure with no will-power the next... 

Luckily For You, We Have A Solution.

Let us introduce you to the Eat for Energy Cookbook
It's a complete guide on how to make meals simple, delicious + supportive to your recovery. 

Our BEST recovery food SECRETS revealed by a nutritionist specializing in FATIGUE ISSUES! 

  • ​70+ DELICIOUS + EASY recipes that are packed with the nutrients your adrenals use up FAST---so you can feel like your self again! 
  • Recipes free of trigger foods (like dairy and grains) meaning less stress on the body-- which mean LESS inflammation, less acne, less pain, better digestion and better SLEEP! 
  • Targets the COMMON issues that must be addressed when recovering from adrenal fatigue-- like BLOOD SUGAR ISSUES-- so you can have balanced energy all day and support healthy cortisol levels. 
  • ​Recipes with ingredients that help the body ADAPT + RECOVER from stress so you can feel calm + so you can easily handle the things life throws at you! 
  • ​​Includes a Portion Control Guide so you know HOW MUCH you should be eating... because the amount is REALLY important! 
  • Finally LOSE that stubborn belly fat without feeling hungry or deprived...and yup, still eat the foods you love. 
  • Meal Plan Options that meet you where you're at-- whether you are just starting out of been at this for years. I have created a plan for you!
  • ​See BIG RESULTS within the first 2 weeks..GUARANTEED.  

    Here's a taste of what's included...

    Adrenal Tonics

    Balancing Breakfasts

    Energizing Veggies

    Satisfying Soups

    Restorative Proteins

    Snacks + Desserts

    Why Should You Trust Me?

    >>>  I recovered off THESE recipes... and others have too!
    When I was recovering from stage 3 adrenal fatigue, I developed a "lazy" style of eating that had two simple requirements-- lots of clean nourishment with minimal effort involved. I learned how to use balanced nutrition to fuel my body through the energy dips and in a way that a strengthened and restored a depleted body. It's a win-win all around! 

    >>> I'm not just a nutritionist. I'm a certified holistic nutritionist who's been specializing in adrenal issues, hormonal imbalance and gut issues for nearly a decade. I've struggled too... I get it how frustrating it is. I work with people every day who are exhausted and fed up, (just like you) and I help them get their energy back. 

    >>> I've helped many people recover & have a better life. I've worked with clients with many different autoimmune, adrenal, hormonal and thyroid conditions, and I've seen what works and what doesn't when it comes to diet and functional nutrition. 

    >>> I'm a GOOD human.  Coaching people and helping them feel better in their skin is my absolute passion. I'm living proof that it's 110% possible to recover from your hormone issues using the power of good, wholesome food. I want you to have that too and I want to show you that you can have your cake and eat it too-- this doesn't have to be hard! 

    Don't Just Take Our Word for It...

    Michael L.

    "Ever since I started using this cookbook, my energy has skyrocketed.

    I'm not overwhelmed by eating anymore. I feel hopeful again, thanks for making this feel so doable!"

    Tessa P.

    "Danielle has really helped me feel better and given me hope to overcome my battle with hormone imbalance. 

    I always remember what she has taught me whenever I prepare my meals and snacks."

    Katarina, Z

    "I shudder to imagine how my body + mind would be without meeting Danielle and trying her recipes. Other people notice how much happier I am and how better my skin and hair look. Her food plans and recipes are so accessible."

    Laura G.

    "Danielle's approach to a healthy lifestyle has inspired me to become more mindful of the fuel that I put into my body. 

     Her warm demeanour and detailed action plan allowed me to feel comfortable when addressing personal health challenges +  gave me the support I needed to work through them. "

    Elaine C. 

    "Where has this been all my life?

    I thought I had to deprive myself but really, I just needed inspiration + new ideas for how to deal with cravings & nourish my body!"

    Chadney B.

    "Working with Danielle was life-changing for me, through her guidance of nutrition, supplements, and mindfulness I was able to improve my quality of life. 

    The process of healing my gut and creating life-changing patterns has halted the deterioration of my adrenal fatigue.  I have the tools to manage this condition and live fully. 

    "The future to eating for adrenal fatigue recovery is here. I recommend this cookbook to anyone who wants to be have easy, delicious, healing recipes immediately!"
    – Dr. Effy Germanis, Naturopathic Doctor & Acupuncturist

    Get your copy of the e-book emailed to you right now!  Regular price is $35!


    • The Adrenal Food Guide + Recovery Shopping List: 
      A full list of foods to enjoy + foods to avoid with a fully stacked grocery list to make shopping EASY.
    • Healing Food Log: 
      Think You Might Be Allergic to Certain Foods?
      Get clarity so you can identify food triggers that are STRESSING your adrenals + perpetuating the fatigue cycle. 
    • Supplement Guide for the Different Stages of Adrenal Fatigue:
      One of the biggest recovery blocks we see are people taking the wrong supplements for their stage of adrenal fatigue. This guide shows you what nutrients +supplements are helpful through the different stages. 


    You'll get instant access to the e-cookbook + 3 recovery bonuses sent right to your e-mail.




    We are a small business. We understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product, like an electronic cookbook. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post. We are extremely proud of the products we've created and we know anyone who buys them and uses them, will be thrilled with their purchase and benefit from it greatly.
    That’s why we are offering a 30-day money back guarantee. While we can’t guarantee that the cookbook will support you on your recovery journey as it has for so many of our clients, we can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the cookbook and the time, energy and stress it will save you. Of course, If you’re not happy with the cookbook, we will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.


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    Diet is huge. This cookbook makes a big concept easy (+ delicious) to swallow.
    Are you ready to see what is possible in just a few weeks?

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